1848: The Springtime of Nations Playtest Application
Thanks for your interest in playtesting 1848: The Springtime of Nations.

For those who are chosen to participate, it is expected that you will:
-- Have access to Table Top Simulator for playtesting
-- Playtest 1848 at least *3* times
-- Log a session report utilizing a provided google form after *each* playtest

For those who log at least 5 session reports, your name will go into the credits as a playtester.

If you can commit to the expectations above and are excited about the project, please fill out the short questionnaire below.

If you would like to meet and play with other testers online, we will provide a link for you to join the 1848 Discord server to coordinate this.

Thank you,

Peter Evans
Staff Developer at GMT Games
Email *
First name *
Surname *
How do you want to playtest? *
Will you use our Discord server to organize playtests online? *
Do you have any experience with similar CDGs such as Twilight Struggle or 1989: Dawn of Freedom? (Not required, but it's useful for us to know).
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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