Shiksha Mandal's                                                              G.S. College of Commerce, Wardha                  Employer Feedback 2024-25
As industry is the ultimate customer of commerce graduates, its satisfaction about standards and content of G.S. College of Commerce products is important. G.S. College of Commerce always maintains a continuous dialogue accordingly. As the ultimate beneficiary of our quality product your support and feedback will help us to maintain the required standards of education. Here are some of the points to facilitate you in giving feedback about our students. You are requested to give marks in the box provided against each item as per the following norms.
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Name of the Company/Institute *
Name of the evaluating person with Designation: *
Mobile No. *
Q1. How do you at relevance of the courses in relation to the Program? *
Q2. How do you rate the sufficiency of the courses related to industry that are included in the program? *
Q3. How do you rate the competencies/outcomes in relation o the content? *
Q4. How do you rate the relevance of the topic to the industry *
Q5. Rate the offering of the relation to the specialization stream *
Q6. How do you rate the offering of the electives in relation to the Technological advancement? *
Q7. How do you rate the applicability of the domains and the tools used for designing the experiments in term of existing practices in the industry? *
Q8. How do you rate the experiments in terms of their relevance to the real life application? *
Q9.  How do you rate the proficiency of our students working with you? *
Suggestion if any
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