Waitlist for BRS 2023

Event Timing: April 26th, Wednesday, 9am-6:30pm CT
Event Address: 2501 Speedway (EER Building), Austin TX 78712
Contact us at info@dive.foundation
Email *
Name *
I am a/an (check all that apply) *
Organization (if startup, please provide details and any links you can share) *
Personal website and/or repository
Are you able to attend the entirety of the event?
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Dietary restrictions (if you will participate in event during lunch) *
How did you find out about BRS 2023?
I understand that this form does not guarantee me a spot at the Blockchain Research Symposium 2023, and that I will be notified by email if/when a spot becomes available. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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