Save The Cranker Working Group Expressions of Interest
Volunteering your time is a valuable and precious gift to our community. This form is detailed because we want to ensure your efforts have the greatest possible impact. Though we're just beginning, our campaign is dynamic and evolving, and we take the commitment to our community and future generations very seriously, We are politically agnostic meaning we'll work constructively with anyone in politics that aligns to our values and the cause.
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Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Interest? *
Based on your experience and the needs determined by the Oversight Board, we will place you where we feel your energy will be best utilised in the campaign, however it is prudent we ask where you think you'd like to sit in the group.
Skills and Experience 
Previous volunteer experience?
Networks and Resources?
What networks and resources do you have at your disposal? Is there any interesting leverage you believe you may have? It's ok if you're unsure or not willing to commit to this until we've gained your trust
Do you need to maintain anonymity?
This is a serious question for many people professionally or personally and it is something we feel a responsibility to. If you believe you need to maintain a strict anonymity in the support you are providing, know there is an option to email and we'll reach out to you. Otherwise if you say yes here we'll just put you on a background list when we see it that will only be visible to the Chair and our Director of Strategy..
Motivation for helping the campaign?
Additional Comments 
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