Grantee Additional Information Form
If your grant was not approved, please fill out this form to ensure the reviewers have all the information needed to finalize the Gitcoin Grants 19 Round decisions. 

The email you received should have indicated the reason your grant was not approved. Please use the questions below to provide additional information.

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Project Name
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More about your Project

The most common reason proposals can't be approved is because there is not enough information to be sure you are who you say you are and your project is real. Please provide any additional information that might help confirm your project is real and/ or suggest other grantees that are in the round that might be able to attest to your work and the project being real.
Projects must be at least 3 months old.

We use Twitter, web domain registration date, and other public info to determine this. Newer projects should establish themselves and submit to the next round. If you have additional proof of the age of your project share here.
The Grant must be primarily focused on climate solutions (the group may do other work but the grant proposal should be directly related to climate solutions). The proposal should explicitly outline how this project will help reduce GHGs or is an important core infrastructure for web3 climate solutions.

Examples include: Renewable Energy, Oracles & DMRV, Supply Chain Analysis, Carbon Accounting, climate activists / collectives, Natural Systems CO2 Sequestration

After reviewing the the grant proposal and information provided we did not find your project met this criteria. Please provide additional information that shows how your project reduces GHGs or is building core infrastructure for web3 climate solutions.

Grantees who received funding in a previous round(s) must provide a new update on their progress and impact. You can also include the challenges you've faced. This will ensure accountability to supporters and also help encourage contributors by showing what you’ve been accomplishing.

All returning grantees are expected to update their proposal, in addition to project updates the proposal should include lessons learned from previous work and how they will use the additional funding from the upcoming round. The updated proposal should indicate how additional funding will help the project meet its goals, and include a rough timeline for the project overall.

After reviewing the the grant proposal and information provided we did not find your project provided a sufficient update or had made significant progress. Please provide additional information about the specific impacts and achievements your project has made.

There is a general expectation that projects are within the “realm of viability”.

Even if a project is very early, it must still seem credible to the average person with an understanding of web3 technology and climate solutions. Including information about the team's expertise, qualifications and skills will help us review your grant.

Grantee founders must genuinely intend to build the project, and the project must not broadly be considered an impossibility.

After reviewing the the grant proposal and information provided the review team did not see this project as in the realm of viability. Please provide additional information about the viability of your project.

Any other comments, questions or feedback?
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