Spirit Scarf Order Form
Thank you for the purchase of your SCIOTO IRISH SPIRIT SCARF! Show support for our School!

Scarves have become very popular as a way to show your team colors in support and not just for winter warmth. English soccer started the trend that now is being adopted in the US for all sports and the best part is, this scarf can be worn at any time for any Scioto event, any Scioto sport, any Scioto activity, fall winter and spring!  The scarves support our program projects such as our new equipment, pre-game meals, uniforms, team building activities and more.    

This is a great gift for any current Scioto student, parent or staff member, as well as an amazing gift for any Scioto alumni! It would be an amazing gift for any elementary or middle school family eventually feeding into Dublin Scioto!

WINTER IS COMING..... order your Scioto Scarf today!  Payment needed at the time of the order. Limited supply.  
Please contact Holly at hlmcgarry@aol.com with any questions.
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How many scarves are you ordering? *
Were you sold this scarf by a current player in the boys soccer program? If not, answer 'no'. If so, who? (please write player name below): *
Who is your order for? (check all that apply)
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