GRU - Anti-Racism Fund Application
The GRU Anti-racism Fund is a resource for encouraging and supporting education of policy and/or the practice of opposing racism and promoting racial tolerance, outreach, equity, and community building within OHSU. Disbursement of funds is determined by simple majority of GRU executive members. Funding is available to anyone in the bargaining unit, and any OHSU affiliate with priority given to bargaining unit members. Funds are distributed in $300 max, however applicants seeking amounts in excessive of $300 will be required to justify reason for requesting described amount. Additionally, if one identifies as Persons Excluded because of Ethnicity or Race (PEER), then this application serves as an auxiliary to the GRU Hardship Fund.
All E-board member's have viewing access to any submitted application. During application review at weekly E-board meetings, name's will not be disclosed only amount requested and reasoning. 
Members who review the full application and names for confirmation of membership status include: 
VP of Equity and Inclusion
Stewards Chair
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