Bayview Community Co-Op Survey
How do you shop for groceries?

Tell us what's important to you.
And if you sign up at the end for more information from the Co-op, we can get you a discount on the Bayview Co-op Box - a week’s worth of fresh produce!

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What's your zip code?
Thank you! Here's a few questions about where you shop now.
Where do you shop now for your groceries? Please check all that apply
From the list below, please choose the top four factors you consider when choosing where to shop for groceries:
Please rate your primary grocery store in terms of how well it is meeting your needs in the following product categories:
Very Well
Somewhat Well
Somewhat Poorly
Very Poorly
No Opinion
Grocery items (cereal, juice, canned goods, etc.)
Dairy (milk, eggs, yogurt, soy, etc)
Fresh fruits & veggies
Frozen foods
Meat, poultry, fish & seafood
Deli/ready to eat foods
Bread & bakery
Bulk products
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Does your primary grocery store meet your needs with respect to the products offered/not offered?  If not, why not?
How do you travel to your preferred grocery store?
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How far do you travel (one way) to shop at your preferred grocery store?
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Thank you!  Now we have a few questions about grocery shopping and eating at home.  
Remember to click the link at the end, and we'll get you a discount on the Bayview Co-op Box - a week’s worth of fresh produce!
How much do you feel you spend a month on groceries? (Not including takeout or delivery from restaurants.)
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In a typical month, how often do you shop for groceries?
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How many stores do you go to for groceries in a month? Please include grocery deliveries if that's needed to make your shopping complete.
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Please check all the ways you pay for groceries at the store.
Are there other payment options you would like to see available?
Thank you, you're almost done!  We just have a few more questions where you can tell us about yourself.
Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
I exercise on a regular basis.
Nutritional value is more important to me than price when buying food.
Organic foods are very important to me and my family.
I am proactive about my health.
I buy local foods when available.
I shop in places where I feel a sense of community.
As much as possible, I shop at locally owned retailers.
I am willing to pay a little more for products that are produced more sustainably/with less environmental impact.
I engage in activities that address political/social issues.
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What is your gender? *
What is your age group? *
What is your highest level of education? *
What is your approximate annual household income? *
Please tell us your ethnicity: *
How many people live in your household? *
Please enter your initials *
Can we keep in touch with you about the Bayview Community Co-op, and bringing healthy food to Bayview?  If so, click the link below to share your contact information.  You'll get a summary of survey results, and a discount on the Bayview Co-op Box - a week’s worth of fresh produce!
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