Winter 2024 Marshall Voices Audition Form
Marshall Voices is an extra-curricular vocal ensemble for 7th and 8th grade students at Marshall Middle School who want an opportunity to learn and perform a variety of choral repertoire.

Members of Marshall Voices will be expected to attend morning rehearsals once a week. If a student misses more than three rehearsals, they will no longer be a part of Marshall Voices. Members will also be responsible for reviewing music between rehearsals and be available to perform during the choral concerts as well as additional performance opportunities as they are made available.

For audition information, please visit Mrs. Helsel's website:

Please fill out the information below to audition!
Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
I am currently enrolled in the following music class at Marshall Middle School *
I will be auditioning for the following voice part *
When is your audition date and time?  *
List any music accomplishments you would like for me to know about (ie awards, accomplishments, other performing ensembles etc)
Why do you want to be in Marshall Voices? *
By writing my name below I agree to the following: If I am selected into Marshall Voices, I need to get transportation to Wednesday morning rehearsals by 7:00AM, if I miss more than three rehearsals I am no longer a member of Marshall  Voices. I am available to perform at the choral concert on December 12th. (Please write your first and last name below) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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