Froggy Bazaar Post Playtesting Survey
Thanks for playing Froggy Bazaar!
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Would you like to join our mailing list & be entered for a swag giveaway?
When did you playtest Froggy Bazaar?
About how long did your game take?
Did you playtest digitally or with a physical copy?
How many people played?
Were you taught the rules, or learn them yourself?
Please rate Froggy Bazaar's game actions, scoring, theme, etc
Don't like
Is ok
Pretty neat
Love it!
Hop & collect a die
BIG HOP (reroll all top row dice)
Go to market
Tableau building & pattern scoring
Group bugjectives
Individual color bugjective
Game end trigger (a player filling their rucksack)
Frog theme
Piles on piles of dice
Is there anything that you would tweak / change about the core game mechanisms or theme?
What art direction should we go in?
Let us know how you feel about Froggy Bazaar on the following metrics
A lot too little
A little too little
About right
Too much
Waaay too much
Level of randomness
Ability to plan ahead
Take that!
Rules complexity
Strategic complexity
Amount of dice rolling
Downtime (between turns)
Length of gameplay
What was your favorite part(s) of Froggy Bazaar?
What was your least favorite part(s) of Froggy Bazaar?
How would you rate Froggy Bazaar?
What (if any) games does Froggy Bazaar remind you of in terms of feel, weight, theme, or gameplay?
Would you buy Froggy Bazaar at a $39 price point?
Any notes, thoughts, or deep dark secrets you'd like to share?
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