Cricket Registration 2024 - Term 1


Below is the Cricket Summer Sport registration offered at Balmacewen Intermediate.

Registrations need to be entered by Friday 9th February.  

Balmacewen has a no pay, no play policy.
Payment for all sports must be made by Sunday, February 18th (end of week 3) 

Below is a brief blurb of when and where Cricket is played so your child/children can make an informed choice about which sports they would like to participate in.

In most sports, parent help is desperately needed especially in the game of cricket. If there is not enough parent help, some students will not be able to play their desired sport/s. Please consider offering to help coach/manage/co-manage your child's sports team, it is very much appreciated! 

If you are thinking about offering your assistance but are not too sure what is required, please get in touch with our Sports Coordinator Kate Ebrahim and she will be more than happy to talk you through it.

Teacher in charge of Cricket - Pete Bowler -
Sport Coordinator, Kate Ebrahim -

Further information on specific sports will be published on the Balmacewen School Website once registrations have closed. 

Being apart of sport teams and sport events at Balmacewen Intermediate is all about developing the understanding of what independence and responsibility is and what being a team player is all about. Therefore, it is vital for all students who sign up for sport, to remember;
- Attend any meetings or uniform handouts 
- Attend trainings before school, during lunchtime or after school
- Listen carefully to the school daily notices for information 
- Communicate clearly with either there coaches/manages/TIC or our Sports Coordinator if needed.

If there are any further questions, please contact Kate Ebrahim at
Email *
Boys & Girls Cricket ($25) (Mixed Competition)

Format: T16 Hardball Competition (8 a-side)

Structure: 6 week round robin.

Clothing: Own White Pants and Balmacewen PE Top. 

Cost: $25 per student

Location: Various locations pending team entries and convenient locations. (E.g. Taieri College, Logan Park, Culling Park, John McGlashan, Bayfield Park). You will need to find your own way there. 

 Brief Rules:

-Max 3 Overs per bowler

-Retire: 30 balls (can return)

-Last player stands 

-Max 3 fielders (leg side)

Other: Games shall be self-scored & umpired. Teams must have parent support present.

Equipment Own equipment is encouraged, the school will provide a team kit bag where players are welcome to use each week.

Day: Wednesday

I can help my Child's team with 
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Students Full name
Student's Year Level
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Class Room
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Students Date of Birth (Required for some Sports)
Have you played cricket before? If yes, what standard?
Parent's / Caregivers full name/s
Parent / Caregivers Email Address
Payment options
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(If any concerns or questions, please place in here and we will get back to you in time)
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