Arlington Celebrations of Learning - Feedback
If you attended, or perhaps if you were unable to attend, the Celebrations of Learning, we'd love your feedback on these afternoon events. These events are designed to highlight your child's accomplishments, and invite you to hear from them about their learning.
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The Term One Celebration of Learning event was from 5.00pm - 6.30 pm. Please indicate if this time worked for you or did not work for you *
The Term Three Celebration of Learning event was from 3.45pm to 5.00pm. Please indicate if this time worked for you or did not work for you.
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Term One Celebration of Learning was inclusive of the current Unit of Inquiry, and other class learning. What I liked about this format was;
Term Three Celebration of Learning was inclusive of the Multi-Age Unit of Inquiry. What I liked about this format was;
I'd like the Celebrations of Learning to include
The booklet, and question prompts, were essential
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Please provide any further feedback you would like us to know.
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