One True Check Feedback
Did you find a problem? Let us know and we'll take care of it!

Please provide your e-mail address so we can follow up with you. If you've paid for (or are having trouble paying for) the Deluxe version, use that e-mail address.
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How can we help you?
Did you find a bug? Or is there something else you want to be able to do?
If you're reporting a bug, the following information would help:
  • How can we reproduce it?
  • If the bug occurs when viewing a specific tweet or user, provide a link.
  • If you want to include a screenshot, upload it to a service like Imgur or Dropbox and include the link. (Remember to ensure that we can see it.)
What browser are you using (or trying to use) One True Check on?
Operating System
What OS are you using (or trying to use) One True Check on?
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