Shoreline Erosion Project Survey
Conducted by the Edgewater Environmental Coalition (EEC) with a Seed Grant from Friends of the Parks 

Water, wind and wave action constantly erode our lakeshore. Traditional protective measures primarily rely on concrete (grey infrastructure) to create a hard barrier. Nature-based solutions (green infrastructure) protect while creating a softer edge of beaches and dunes. EEC’s Shoreline Erosion Project will educate our community about these alternatives. Please tell us how you perceive the local dunes, their ecological value, and the benefits they provide. Your responses will be kept anonymous.

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Grey Infrastructure
Green Infrastructure
1. How often do you visit local dunes and beaches like Hollywood/Osterman, Montrose, or Loyola?
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2. What activities do you engage in while at the dunes? (Check all that apply)

3. Have you noticed any changes in the lake/dunes over time? If yes, please describe what you've observed.
4. How familiar are you with the terms “nature-based solution”, “living shoreline”, or “nature-scape?
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5. How would you describe the ecological value of the dunes and the benefits they provide to the local environment and community? 
6. What do you feel are some advantages of concrete shorelines?
7. Can you recognize the difference between “gray” infrastructure like concrete walls and “green” infrastructure that relies on natural dunes to control shoreline erosion?
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8. Are you interested in learning more about nature-based solutions to preserve and extend the dunes? 
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If YES, how?  
9. Please share any stories you have about the shoreline, lake levels, infrastructure or flooding:
10. Do you have any other questions or suggestions about the EEC’s Shoreline Erosion Project?
11. ZIP Code(optional)
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your input is greatly appreciated and will be instrumental in the successful restoration and preservation of our local dunes.

If you have specific areas of flooding concern, please consider also filling out the EEC Flood Community Assessment.

If you would like to learn about more types of green infrastructure and flood management, please consider filling out the Flood Management Survey.

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