Gameday IX - SFS 3-00 The Last Bite (levels 3-4) - GM Numbat
This form gathers information needed to complete your character chronicle sheet and report the game as complete. In addition, I ask for your Discord ID to facilitate connecting on Discord for the game, though that information is optional. If you will be playing this character prior to this game you may need to return this form to input your starting values so that they are accurate. Please complete what information you can as early as possible. Thank you.
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Email *
Have you played or GMed this scenario before? If so at what tier? *
Discord ID (please include the number, eg: AName#1234) This is not compulsory but is a good backup for communication if the Paizo forums have significant interruptions.
Paizo username *
Player name (as you would like it listed on the chronicle sheet) *
Character name
Organized Play number *
Character number (eg: 701) *
Character Chronicle number for this game
Slotted Faction
Starting reputation with your slotted faction
Potential bonus reputation to be assigned to:
Clear selection
Starting reputation with selected faction for bonus reputation
Starting XP
Initial Fame
Starting Credits
Character Level
Check the box of any of the following scenarios this character has played.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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