Member Cancellation Form
We understand that circumstances change, and we're sorry to hear that you're cancelling your membership at our studio. Thank you for being a valued member of our studio community. Your time with us has been appreciated. We hope you'll consider sharing your thoughts with us before you go. Your feedback is crucial in helping us enhance the studio experience for all members. Your opinions will be kept confidential, and we're committed to using them to make positive changes. 

As you complete this form, know that our doors are always open for your return in the future. We genuinely appreciate the trust you placed in us. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback.
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Rate on a scale of 1-5 how much our class schedule impacted your decision to cancel.
Not at all important
Extremely important
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Please indicate the main reason for cancelling your membership. 
After your cancellation with WYM, will you: 
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Did you encounter any issues or challenges that we could have addressed better? Please select all that apply. 
If other" was selected, please provide some detail.
Is there anything we can do to change your mind and encourage you to stay with us?
Is there anything else you'd like to tell us regarding your experience at Westpark Yoga & Movement?
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