Music Therapy Clinical Practice Series Evaluation Form
Approved Provider: Joyful Noises LLC (Provider Number P-228)

By completing this form, you verify that you finished the full course series. In order to receive 7 CMTE credits, you must complete all of the webinars. Partial credit will not be given. Completion of this form is required by CBMT to receive CMTE credit (and the questions are worded specifically to meet their requirements). After completing this form, you will be emailed your certificate of completion within one week. If you do not receive it, please contact Jen at

These CMTEs qualify in the “Workshops/Courses/Conferences/Independent Learning” category under “Approved Provider Opportunities” at

Feedback can be shared anytime with Jen at or anonymously at Testimonials may be shared at

Thank you for connecting and growing with us!

ID: The CBMT logo followed by "Approved Provider CMTE Opportunity Evaluation Form"
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Name (as you would like it written on your certificate) *
Email Address *
What date did you complete this course series? *
Are you a board-certified music therapist (MT-BC)? *
If you are an MT-BC, what is your CBMT number? If you don't know it, please go to and search under "Find a Therapist." If you aren't an MT-BC, please write 00000. *
If you are not an MT-BC, how would you describe your current professional status (e.g., music therapy student, art therapist, dance/movement therapist, music educator, retired music therapist, etc.)?
How did you find out about this CMTE?
Was this learning objective met? Participants will identify at least three important concepts in humanistic, person-centered music therapy. (CBMT Domain II. D. 1.; III. A. 3. e. & 4. f.; IV. A. 3.; V. A. 2. & B. 11) *
Was this learning objective met? Participants will identify one session plan idea within each of the four music therapy methods that they can adapt based on their own setting and the individual preferences and cultural intersectionalities of the clients they serve or hope to serve. (CBMT Domain I. 2., 3., 5., 10.; II. D. 2. c, 5., 9., 11., 13.; III. A. 1. a, b, c, f) *
Was this learning objective met? Participants will identify three practice considerations for working with clients who may have experienced trauma. (CBMT Domain I. 2., 3., 5.; II. B. 4. l., C. 4., D. 2. a., c., 9., 11., 13.; III. A. 1. a., d., f., 2. c., g., ff., ss., vv., 5. r., w., y., bb., ee.; IV. A. 3., 9., B. 4.; V. A. 1., 2., 3., 5., B. 2., 5., 10., 11., 12.) *
Was this learning objective met? Participants will identify two ways that they can counteract imposter syndrome in their music therapy studies or work. (V. A. 1., 3., 5., B. 12.) *
Was the physical environment where you completed this course conducive to learning? *
Was the length of the course series appropriate? *
Was the amount of material presented in this course series sufficient? *
Were your educational needs and expectations met? *
What information presented in this CMTE opportunity was most useful to your practice? *
This CMTE opportunity could be improved by: *
Please suggest topics for future CMTE opportunities, courses, and presentations. *
Please rate your instructor (Jennifer Hicks, MMT, MT-BC, E-RYT). How was her presentation style? *
Please rate your instructor (Jennifer Hicks, MMT, MT-BC, E-RYT). How were her knowledge of the subject and her clarity? *
Please rate your instructor (Jennifer Hicks, MMT, MT-BC, E-RYT). How was her interaction with you as a participant within the course and office hour? *
Please rate the CMTE content. How was the QUALITY of relevant information? *
Please rate the CMTE content. How was the QUANTITY of relevant information? *
Please rate the CMTE content. How was the organization of the material? *
Anything else you would like to add?
By checking the box below, I verify that I have completed all of the webinars in this course series. This statement is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. *
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