Volunteer Opportunity Application
Please complete the following application
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Email *
First Name *
First Name
Last Name *
Last Name
Email *
Main Phone Number *
Alternate Phone Number
Street Number and Name *
City *
Postal Code *
Is this your first volunteer experience (Please check) *
Is this for a school placement (Please Check)
If Yes, please state the school and program/ course
Work experience / Present occupation
Where did you hear about volunteering / placement at the Rexdale Soccer from
I want to volunteer / perform my placement at Rexdale Soccer because

I understand, commit and dedicate service to the Rexdale Soccer League, community, and players in a volunteer capacity.  My conduct, deportment, and actions align with the Rexdale Soccer values, and I will support the program for the entire season.

Note: Upon successful completion of volunteering for the entire season, a $25 refund will be issued to offset the reference check fee.

Please complete the online background check using this: Link to background check

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