Quizlet Unconference Proposals
The Quizlet Unconference offers teachers like you the opportunity to connect, share ideas and learn from one another. Plus, for some districts, you can consider the Unconference as Professional Development — we’ll share PD certificates with all attendees. Check out last year’s Unconference, and if you think you have a great idea for this year, let us know!

We will reach out to selected presenters to assist in preparation for the event - July 31 & August 1

Deadline to apply: June 30th, 11:59pm PDT
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Name: *
Email Address *
School Name: *
City & State: *
Country (if outside U.S.)
Grade Levels: *
Courses taught: *
Tell us about your Quizlet usage: *
What would you like to present at the 2019 Unconference? Please make sure it is applicable to Quizlet. *
Can you present this information in a 30-45min timeframe? *
Do you have experience presenting in a virtual space? *
Anything else you would like us to know?
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