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Full name:
Your answer
E-mail address:
Your answer
Phone number:
Your answer
Graduation year:
Your answer
Did you complete an undergraduate or a graduate-level program?
Undergraduate - Certificate or B.A.
Graduate - Advanced Certificate or M.A.
Academic Program Completed:
B.A. in Labor Studies
B.A. in Urban Studies or Urban Community Policy
Community Leadership, CERT/ADV CERT
Community Semester, CERT/ADV CERT in Community Leadership
Healthcare Policy and Administration, CERT/ADV CERT
Labor Relations, CERT/ADV CERT
Labor Studies, CERT/ADV CERT
M.A. in Labor Studies
M.A. in Urban Studies
Public Administration and Public Policy, CERT/ADV CERT
Transit Certificate Program
Union Semester, CERT/ADV CERT in Labor Studies
Workplace Democracy and Community Ownership ADV CERT
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Serve on alumni panels
Volunteer at events or on alumni committees
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Speak with your communities and colleagues
Share your story in SLU publications and on social media
Speak at open houses and info sessions
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