WaaMoon YE application form

We Are All Made Out Of Mud (WaAMOoM) is 2 year long Erasmus+ Capacity building project which involves 10 organization from Western Balkan region (Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro) and program countries (Croatia, France, Slovenia, Turkey, Serbia).

Travel costs are covered and the maximum amount of the travel costs (return ticket) reimbursed will be:

20 € for participants from Kosovo
180 for participants from Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina
275 for participants from France, Turkey, Croatia

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Your name *
Your last name *
Your email adress *
Contact phone number *
Country of residence *
Sending organization and contact person *
Gender *
Age *
Tell us something about yourself *
What are your expectations for this Youth Exchange ? *
What are your motivations ? *
Do you have experience in Natural Building ? If yes please specify.
Do you have any allergies ? If yes please specify ? *
Are you ok to live surrounded by animals ? (Dogs, cats, chickens...) *
Anything we should be aware of ? *
What is your Covid-19 vaccination status ? *
Emergency contact (relation, name & phone number) *
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