J. Saman Pre-Orders LoveNVegas October 25-26, 2024
Thank you so much for placing your pre-order for the LoveNVegas signing! Invoices will be sent to your email that you provide on this form 3 weeks before the event and all books will be signed and personalized at the event!! I can't wait to meet you!! See you soon!!

Please select the titles that you would like to pre-order! Books will be available for $15 per book, $10 per Christmas novella, and $25 per signing exclusive foil cover. 

*ALL preorders come with special swag!!

**Book quantities at the event will be limited to Alternate Covers of my most current series so if you'd like a specific book, especially from my back matter or any of the hot guys, please make sure you pre-order. 

All sales are final.
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Signing Exclusive Foil Paperbacks: foil on lettering and the graphic part of the image.
Boston's Irresistible Billionaires Series  
Irresistibly Yours Series
Irresistibly Yours Alternative Covers 
Boston's Billionaire Bachelors
Boston's Billionaire Bachelors Alternative Covers
Wild Love Series 
Wild Love Series Alternatives 
The Edge Series
Las Vegas Sin Series
Start Again Series
Who would you like the book made out to?
Please indicate below if you would like more than one copy of a particular title.
Thank you so much for pre-ordering!! There will be limited copies for sale at the event so this will assure that you will get the titles that you want!! I am so excited to see you! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask below!!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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