Velo Group Ride - April 9
The ride will start at 11am from Strathcona Olympiette Centre.

When more than about 12 riders show up, it's usually best to split into at least 2 groups. If we need to split up, it helps if we have someone volunteer to be a Ride Leader for each extra group. See the form below to "Raise Your Hand" if you'd be willing to be another Ride Leader if we need one.

Rider Leaders must know the planned riding route for the day and will be responsible to take charge if any mishaps occur during the ride. Know the Emergency Action Plan (below) and implement it when necessary. Ride Leaders ensure the group rides "no-drop." and slows the overall pace as needed to let riders catch up.


For all club rides we conduct, EVERY rider should be a member of Velocity Cycling Club to participate. If you aren't a member yet, then you can fill out a LIABILITY RELEASE waiver to participate in ONE FREE TRIAL RIDE. Preview and pre-fill the form here to bring with you to the ride: 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
COVID-19 Vaccination and Precautions
Though partial and full COVID-19 vaccinations are not requirements to participate (this could change) in this group ride, Velocity Cycling Club highly encourages you to get vaccinated. Full COVID-19 vaccination of more than 80% of the population will allow all of us to safely move forward to living with acceptable COVID-19 risk levels.

YOU MUST use good respiratory etiquette (i.e., sneezing or coughing into the crook of your elbow, no spitting, no purposeful clearing of nasal passages, uncovered coughing or sneezing within the group). If any of these practices are necessary you must safely drop 20 m to the rear of the group

If YOU ARE FEELING UNWELL (any cold virus or COVID-19 symptoms of any kind), please DO NOT ATTEND the ride, even if you've signed up. As a smart athlete, you should know better anyway than to try training through a viral infection of any variety.

Emergency Action Plan
Always carry your ID.

If any mishap happens to you or another rider in your group:

1. Ensure you are safely off the road.
2. Call 911
3. Station a rider to direct traffic away from the scene.
4. While waiting for 911 help to arrive, administer any first aid you know that will help.
5. Send a cyclist for help if necessary, or to direct emergency services to the site.
6. Call Coach Kevin at (780) 999-6052 to inform him of the situation (Please put this into your phone now)
7. Nearest Hospital is: Strathcona Community Hospital (Sherwood Park): 9000 Emerald Dr, Sherwood Park, AB T8H 0J3
Your Full Name *
Your Cell Phone number (if we need to call or text you for ride reasons) *
Emergency Contact's Phone Number *
Are you a 2022 Velocity Cycling Club Member? *
(If not, please go HERE >> )
Would you volunteer as a Ride Leader (if needed)? *
One Ride Leader is need for each group of riders. Rider Leaders must know the planned riding route for the day and will be responsible to take charge if any mishaps occur during the ride. Know the Emergency Action Plan (above) and implement it when necessary. Ride Leaders ensure the group rides "no-drop." and slows the overall pace as needed to let riders catch up.
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