Spring 2024 Semester Class Add & Drop Sign-up
We will do add/drop for the Spring Semester before the Winter Break. You MUST sign up by the deadline: Wednesday, December 20, 2023. We will not accept any more sign-ups after the deadline. 

Do you see a mistake in your schedule?
Do you want to make changes to your electives and/or endorsement classes and discuss options?
If yes, please go ahead and sign up here for an appointment with your career counselor.

Log in bij Google om je voortgang op te slaan. Meer informatie
E-mailadres *
Your First Name: *
Your Last Name *
Which class do you want to drop? *
Which class do you want to add? *
Please type your reason(s) for the add & drop request. *
Your career counselor will email you within a few days for an appointment to discuss your class schedule and request.
Een kopie van je antwoorden wordt gemaild naar het adres dat je hebt opgegeven.
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