Personal Training Inquiry Form
Thank you for your interest in our personal training services. Please answer a few questions to get started. 
E-Mail-Adresse *
Name *
What is your age, weight, and height? This will help us tailor your experience. *
How is your weight affecting your life right now?
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How much weight would you like to lose?
How would you rate your level of fitness? *
What is your most challenging aspect of weight loss?
How can I find you on social media? List all please (FB, IG, TikTok, etc)
Each woman who comes into our program starts with the one-month jumpstart that provides a booklet of meal plans that help you shed pounds, 3x per week zoom fitness (recordings if you cannot attend all zooms, 1x per week, 30-min goals/progress conversation with Karla). To get started, use the link below and you will receive an email and a call from Karla to "Get Started"

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