Angela Boswell's Upcoming Classes 
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1. Identifying my Intuitive and Empathic abilities.
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2. Understanding my Life Patterns and Life Purpose.
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3. Sacred Space - Clearing & Blessing my home, work, & body.
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4. Protection - Protecting myself Spiritually and in everyday life.
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5. Spiritual Tools - Oracle Cards, Tarot Cards, Pendulums, Astrology, Automatic Writing and more.
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6. Spirit Guides - Understanding who they are, how to communicate with them, and how they help us.
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7. Soul contracts, Soul mates, & Spiritual relationships
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8. Universal Laws and how I can work with them. (Law of Attraction, Law of Cause & Effect, Law of Abundance, etc.)
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9. Exploring my Past Lives and how they affect me today.
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10. Working with Energy to energize, ground, & heal me.
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11. Dreamwork - working with dreams to strengthen my intuitive abilities and connect with the Other Side.
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12. Ascension Symptoms - do I know when I'm going through a shift?
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13. Understanding Auras and how to energize and cleanse mine.
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14. Living as an Empath and understanding my abilities.
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15. Meditations for specific topics, such as spiritual connection, relaxation, & getting messages.
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16. Receiving Signs & Messages - Details on how to better communicate with the Other Side.
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17. Understanding what happens When We Die.
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18. Connecting our Physical Bodies with our thoughts, emotions, and spirituality.
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19. Opening my Brow and Heart Chakras.
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20. Practicing Doing Readings for other people.
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21. Classes I would like to take that aren't listed above:
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