Plenum Interest Survey
Please use this form to indicate your interest(s) in the Plenum Undergraduate Journal for Geography Research. We will reach out to you with more information based on your responses!

Stay up to date with anything Plenum related here!

If you have any questions, please contact us at or visit
First name *
Last name *
UW email *
Are you a student in the Geography Department? *
How did you hear about us?
Batalkan pilihan
Are you involved in any other RSOs? If so, which ones?
Are you interested in any of our Editorial Team positions? Check all that apply. *
Wajib diisi
Is there anything you would like us to know about your experience in similar roles? Or, is there some other way you would like to join or contribute to the Editorial Team?
Are you interested in any of the research publication opportunities we offer? Check all that apply.
Is there a different kind of project or writing piece that you would like to publish with us?
Please rate your interest in the following.
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested
Publishing your work
Skills and/or experience to add to your resume
Professional networking with other students
Attending social events for department students
Making friends with other students in the department
Batalkan pilihan
Which kinds of (virtual) events or services would you like us to offer this year? If you have an idea that is not listed, please let us know in the "other" option!
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you? Do you have other any questions for us?
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