Startup Diversity Survey
Thank you for taking the time to help us map the diversity status in the startup ecosystem.

We believe that diversity is the driving force that gives startups access to good ideas, fresh perspectives, and real experience they could be lacking otherwise. It can also attract investors and customers who value businesses run by diverse teams.

With the data collected through this survey we plan to determine the current status of diversity within founding teams, the importance of diversity in the success of a startup, but also how can diversity be fostered by relevant actors of the ecosystem.

This survey will take around ⏳ 7 minutes to complete*.

*By only 1 founder per startup, by September 2
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What is your first name? *
And your last name? *
In your opinion, what type of diversity can contribute to a better-performing team? Pick your top 3 choices *
Startup Info
What is the name of your startup? *
What is the website? *
What year have you started working on your startup? *
What stage is your startup? *
What is the funding level that you are at? *
If it’s possible to share, what is the total funding (external, in Euros) you have raised?
What vertical is your startup operating in? *
Diversity Info
How many founders are in total in your startup (including you)? *
What is the position of each founder in your startup (including you)? *
What is the biggest age difference (in years) between co-founders? *
How many co-founders have the following gender identities? *
How many co-founders have any of the following elements of diversity? *
Sexual orientation (not Heterosexual)
Neurodiversity (such as ADHD, dyslexia, epilepsy, Tourette syndrome, or others)
Disability (such as blindness, paraplegia, deafness, or others)
How many co-founders have a different element of diversity than yourself? *
Race / ethnicity
Socio-economic status
Have you experienced any form of discrimination while working in the startup industry? *
If yes, what do you think was the nature of it?
In your opinion, how important is diversity in the success of a startup? *
not important at all
extremely important
Are you planning to implement some actions to improve diversity in your startup in the next 12 months? *
If yes, what are the actions you are planning to take to improve diversity in your startup?
In your opinion, do you think that diversity in the startup ecosystem needs to be improved? *
If yes, what actions / initiatives do you think can be realistically implemented in the next 1-3 years to improve diversity in the startup ecosystem?
About You
What is your age? *
What is the country of your nationality? *
What is your gender identity? *
Do you suffer from any disability or neuro disability? *
Is this your first startup? *
What is your email address? *
If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or remarks about the survey or the report, you can leave them here.
By submitting this form, you understand that the information you provide needs to be processed by us, StepFWD, to create an aggregate report on the state of the startup ecosystem from a diversity perspective. We will not share, publish or disseminate any personal data that may be used to be linked back to you.

For more details on how we process your personal data, please access our privacy policy

If you have any questions, drop us an email at
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