DONUT: Add a Publication

DONUT, the Database of Original & Non-Theoretical Uses of Topology, is happy to add additional publications. This service is run by volunteers—so please take your time in filling out this form as precisely as possible.

The tags help the other researchers to find your work when searching for applications, so it is important to pick good ones.

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Which paper is missing? Please provide a DOI, a URL, a URN, or any other specifier. 

Provide some comma-separated tags for the area of application of this paper. Examples are "medicine", "neurology", "biophysics". You can add your own tags here or use existing ones from *
Provide some comma-separated tags for the tools that are used in this paper, in particular as they pertain to TDA. Examples are "persistent homology", "persistence diagrams", "euler characteristic transform". You can add your own tags here or use existing ones from *
Provide some comma-separated tags for the input data here. Examples are "grayscale images", "MRI", "point cloud". You can add your own tags here or use existing ones from *
Does this method provide novel information or insights that cannot be obtained by other methods? For instance, does your method reach better results at earlier stages or with less invasive data retrieval? If so, we will add the innovate tag. If unsure, leave it blank. Please note that this question concerns the results, not if your method is the first application of TDA in the area.
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If you answered "yes" to the previous question, please briefly describe what is the innovation, when possible with a specific reference to where in the paper you discuss it.
Does this method confirm results from other methods? If so, it does the crucial job of checking and reproducing results, and we will add the confirm tag to show it. If unsure, leave it blank.
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Is there a short explanatory video of the paper on the AATRN channel? Please copy the video's link here.
Please add the link(s) to the home page(s) of the software used to carry out the data analysis in the paper.
If available, please add the link(s) to the datasets analyzed in the paper.
Anything else you would like to tell us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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