School of Music Montreal Program Application
Elementary Schools, Secondary Schools, Community Centres, Alternative Schools, Arts Education Facilities, or similar can apply to the School of Music Montreal for a bid to be part of our network. We will create and manage an after-school or weekend music program for your institution. This program is free for the children and is aimed at supporting education equality for the arts.

Our programs run weekly after-school. Where we have volunteer music teachers go to your institution, set up instruments, play group games, breakout into individual private music lessons and then join back together at the end of the lessons. The instrument and lesson offerings vary and are dependent on the school as well as interest of the students. Our after-school program is focused on peer mentorship, musical interest, and personalized activities. We also provide pilot test programs which are customized to the institution and are workshop based.

Apply here if you would like to see a School of Music Montreal program at your institution! If you or your institution is open for more information about the program, feel free to contact

This application is not for individuals looking to join our program. Please contact your school or centre's staff and let them know about our program and this application form if you are interested in your children joining.
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