Parking Mandates Map Report
Thank you for taking the time to help us update the parking minimums map. You can use this form to help provide a more detailed and current report of your city's reforms.
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What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is the City, State/Province, Country you are reporting on? *
For the following question, please consider the following definitions:
Implemented: this is the current law of the land in my city.
Passed: the reform has been approved but has not yet gone into effect.
Planned: the city has passed a planning document, or similar, directing the reform.
Proposed: a credible actor (planning commissioner, city councilor, mayor) has proposed the reform.
Repealed: the reform has been repealed.

Scope of reform:
Citywide: this reform covers most/all of the city.
City Center/Business District(s): the reform applies in specified districts only.
Transit Oriented: the reform applies to land near transit lines or stations.
Main Street/Special: The reform is limited to a specific small area, like one downtown corridor.

Land Uses:
All uses: if nearly all applicable uses in the city/district/street are exempt or reduced.
Commercial: Office or Retail (but feel free to specify if needed).
Residential: Call out specifically if it is only multi-family or lower density.

Describe the parking reform you are reporting on, please be specific about the status, scope of reform, and land uses involved. It would also be helpful to describe how much of the city is covered by the reform.  Zoning code can be complicated, so don't feel like you need to be too concise, we'll edit it down if needed.
Additional instruction for providing citations.
If you are providing a link to city code, please provide the specific section and, if possible, section title next to the url where the code can be found.

Example:  - 30.175.050 Parking Exceptions and Reductions.
Please provide detailed citations we can use to verify the update you are submitting. The best source is a link to the zoning code and the section(s) where the exemption, reduction, or maximum are defined. Give as many citations as needed.  For proposed or planned reforms, a news article, blog post, comprehensive plan, or ordinance is probably more appropriate.
Let us know anything else that we might need to know! Thank you!
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