Exploring the Human Experience Through Documentary Filmmaking with Giedrė Žickytė
Launching a series of meetings with prominent creative, academic, and public figures, the European Humanities University is thrilled to kick off the inaugural event of the “EHU Сonversation without Borders” series on December 1st.

Join us for EHU Conversation without Borders: Exploring the Human Experience Through Documentary Filmmaking with Giedrė Žickytė, a distinguished Lithuanian film director, producer, and documentary filmmaker, honored in 2022 with the Lithuanian National Prize for Culture and Arts for a remarkable creative leap.

Moderator: Vilius Alesius, Head of the Communication and Marketing Unit.

Explore insights on:

  • The evolution of storytelling in contemporary cinema;
  • The intersection of art and societal change;
  • Giedrė Žickytė's journey and key influences;
  • The role of documentary filmmaking in cultural discourse.

The event begins at 12:00 (local time).

Location: Aud. 303, European Humanities University, Savičiaus st. 17

Duration: 1 hour. 

The event will be captured on film and in photographs.

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