2023/8/20 户外敬拜聚会报名表
■ 日期:
8月20日 (周日)  10:00AM~1:00PM

■ 地點:
Picnic area 5-6 at Blydenburgh County Park
Veteran's Memorial Highway, Smithtown, NY 11788

■ 形式:
  1.  Outdoor worship 敬拜
  2.  Short message 短讲
  3.  In person fellowship sharing 团契分享 -- Topics: testimony of your faith journey -- 主题:个人得救见证 或 经历神的见证
  4.  亲子活动 – brothers sisters who have no kids can also join other families as a community
  5.  Lunch 午饭
  6.  Freetime after lunch
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