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Fill in the blank with the correct auxiliary or linking verb!
1. There  _________ scissors in my drawer last night.
3 poin
2. The data _________ complete already.
3 poin
3. Your hypothesis _________ not look logical.
3 poin
4. Economics _________ one of my favourite subjects.
3 poin
5. Some deer _________  in the back garden of the palace already.
3 poin
6. One of the species _________ not exist any more.
3 poin
7. A kilogram of manggoes _________ on your table now.
3 poin
8. Your glasses _________ cool enough.
3 poin
9. My Physics _________ never good.
3 poin
10. This Fish _________ bad. The smell spreads out through this room.
3 poin
11. There _________ some important information yesterday.
3 poin
12. The news _________ on television twice.
3 poin
13. The wooden furniture _________ more and more expensive.
3 poin
14. One series of this cartoon _________ quite popular in 1990.
3 poin
15. ______ the oxen not belong to the wild animal?
3 poin
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