Donation Request 
As a resident and business owner in Oshkosh, owner Stephanie Pereira da Silva, is committed to helping make Oshkosh and Winnebago County an exceptional place to live, work and play. Stephanie serves the community in a variety of different ways, offering her time, expertise and product.

Donation requests are prioritized to current customers of Fusion Footwear, and participants in pdsF.U.S.I.O.N. INC activities.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
First & Last Name  *
Email Address  *
Phone Number  *
How are you involved with FUSION? *
When is the last time you purchased from Fusion Footwear?  *
Organization Name *
Is your organization a 501c(3)? *
Description of Event for Donation *
Event Date *
Donation Preference  *
Thank you for contacting Fusion Footwear! Please allow 7 business days for determination of requests. 
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