In-Person Children's Sunday School Registration
Event Timing: Every Sunday from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Starting from 6/6/2021)
Event Location: DCCC outdoors area
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Your Child's Name *
Grade (2021-2022) *
Child's Birthday *
Parent's Email *
Parent's Phone Number *
We will continue to prescreen, mask, and distance. Please help your children understand and follow the following COVID guidelines.  
Hand sanitizer readily available - please use before entering SS area
Maintain 3 feet of distance from other children at all times
Wear mask over nose and mouth completely at all times
Please don't share any items
Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms or exposure should stay at home

洗手液將隨時提供 - 請在進入兒童主日學區域前使用
全程佩戴口罩, 並必須完全覆蓋口鼻

Child's medical information
Special needs (e.g. food allergies, medications, etc.)
Doctor/Health insurance company *
Doctor's phone number *
Medical ID# *
In Case of Emergency (not a parent)
Contact name *
Phone number *
Consent and Release from Liability
I hereby give permission for my child(ren) to participate in in-person Children's Sunday School.

I, the undersigned, parent/guardian agree and consent to have any staff member of Davis Chinese Christian Church, secure any medical care or treatment deemed necessary for my child by a qualified medical examiner during DCCC events.  I further assume all responsibility for the decision so made, and for the emergency care treatment so secured for my child.  As well, I release from all responsibility or liability for accident, and or injury, any and all representatives, leaders or drivers working with DCCC.  I also give my permission for photographs/videos of my child to be in any publication produced by Davis Chinese Christian Church, including web-based publications. .  
Parent/Guardian Signature (you can type your  name) *
Date *
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