Piggy Order Address Change or Confirmation
Piggy GB has not shipped yet (schedule to start shipping in December), this is the form to change or confirm address. The form will be live until Nov 30th and after that we will start shipping the orders.

If you wanna change your address on the order, please fill out the following information for us to accurately change your shipping address. If you don't need to change the address, please also confirm your current address on the order.

If you have multiple orders, please make sure you find your first order with the base kit and that's the address we will be using.

Q: How to check my address on the order?
- Option 1: search email “jacky lab order confirmed”, click "View your order" button to verify the shipping address
- Option 2: go to https://jackylab.com// and sign up or log in with your email and find the first order (ignore other later orders since we will merge your multiple orders under same email into one shipment)

Q: I have multiple orders, do they get merged into one order for shipping?
A: If you have multiple orders, you can follow the option 2 above to get shipping address of your first order.

Q: Can I just change default address of my online account on https://jackylab.com// and will it ship to that new address?
A: The default address of your online account is for the future orders. For Piggy GB, please use this form to confirm or change your address.
Email *
FIRST Order number (only the number part) *
(If you have multiple orders, please make sure you find your first order with the base kit and that's the address we will be using) e.g. 1234
Email address for the order *
The email address that you receive the order confirmation for. It is NOT the PayPal email address if you have two different email addresses for order and PayPal.
Do you need to change address *
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