Survey to all volunteers on our AIC identity
Your answers are essential as they allow all of us to strengthen our AIC identity and sense of belonging. Many thanks for sharing your personal and team reflections with us.
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First name, last name and email address:
Your AIC group - City: *
Your national association - Country: *

1. Our AIC identity: a dynamic reality rooted in our charism

A. Our identity as AIC association

a) What are the essential characteristics of AIC today (give five characteristics)?

b) Which characteristics motivated you the most to become a member?

c) What makes AIC different from other NGOs? 

d) Do you find it necessary to make certain changes in order to adapt your AIC service / activities to the current reality? If yes, which one(s)?

B. Our identity as AIC volunteers

a) How do we define ourselves as AIC volunteers? What do we all have in common within our group and within our association?

b) What qualities and characteristics do you think AIC volunteers should have, now and in the future?

2. Knowing and living our AIC identity: the key to developing a sense of belonging

a-1) What does it mean to me to belong to my AIC group? 

a-2) What does it mean to me to belong to the AIC association? 

b-1) To strengthen the bonds within our groups and the feeling of belonging to AIC,
- What attitudes should we encourage?
b-2) To strengthen the bonds within our groups and the feeling of belonging to AIC,
- What initiatives can we implement?

3. Being aware of our strengths so that we can share them with others

a) What are the strengths of our AIC group (give at least 3)? 

b) What makes AIC different from other branches of the Vincentian Family?
c) What strengths does the AIC/your AIC group bring to other groups in society (to the most vulnerable people, to other branches of the Vincentian Family, to the Church, to the world)?

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