Registration form
You are a pastor or church leader and you have not yet taken the training course in church administration organised by the Federal Synod? Then this training course is for you! Details of the programme are available on the Federal Synod website:

Please note that registration will only be valid if:
  • you have correctly completed the form below and
  • paid the registration fee (50 euros*) before september 20th.
Training dates:
  • Saturday ... 2025, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Saturday .... 2025, 9:30 am to 6:00 pm (assessments included).
Course venue: Rue Brogniez 46, 1070 Anderlecht.

Important note: The two days of training are compulsory in order to receive the refund of 30 euros* and to take part in the final assessment and obtain the certificate of achievement. People who are not interested in the certificate of achievement will be exempt from the assessment and may be reimbursed the 30 euros*.

If you have any questions, please contact Willem Maertens at

* See details at the last section of the form. 
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First name *
Surname *
Place of birth (City + Country) *
The place of birth is required for the certificate of completion.
Date of birth *
The date of birth is required for the certificate of completion.
Address (Street, number, postal code, Commune) *
Your certificate will be sent to this address.
Phone number *
Provide a phone number where you can be easily reached.
Email address *
Name of your church *
Denomination *
I know enough English to communicate with civil authorities and colleagues in that language. *

For legitimate reasons, I authorise the Federal Synod to use my personal data for the management and follow-up of the training for which I am registering. 

N.B.: In the context of this training, the Federal Synod guarantees not to keep the personal data provided in this form longer than necessary.

Registration fee *

I declare that I am aware of the need to pay a €50 registration fee, of which I will get €30 back if I attend the two full days of training (course part), and that payment validates registration. If I don't turn up, the €50 will be lost.

These registration fees are to be paid into the account of the Synode Fédéral: BE85 9799 4305 3506. In communication, please write: "name + course En". You can always come back to this page to find this account number.

                                                                  ❗️Important notice ❗️

  • In the event of cancellation, please let us know (at before ... .
  • In the event of non-payment before ..., registration will be cancelled to make room for people on the waiting list.

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