COVID-19 Impact
The Nonprofit Network's mission is to deliver supports to ensure nonprofit excellence. This means that we need to promote best practices in times of growth as well as in times of uncertainty.

The world is currently experiencing the public health crisis of COVID-19. In order to best support our nonprofit sector, we need to gather information on your responses and needs during this epidemic. This is only a preliminary survey of the needs that may exist, and is not indicative of any future action by any funders or the Network. However, this information will help the Network also prepare and create future programming and resources to support a more resilient nonprofit sector. Please take a moment to respond to this survey. Your responses will be used to provide the most relevant resources at this critical moment.
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Do you have an internal plan to deal with the possible effects of COVID-19?
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Have you communicated those plans internally to staff?
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Have you communicated those plans externally to clients, donors, stakeholders, patrons, etc.?
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Have you received questions or concerns from external parties regarding COVID-19 and the provision of your services?
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What impacts has your organization experienced or anticipates experiencing? (check all that apply)
Estimate the level of severity that any impacts are currently having or are predicted to have on programs, services, or general operations of your organization.
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What specific impacts do you anticipate COVID-19 will have on the community or population your nonprofit serves? (Briefly include the types of services you provide and/or the population(s) you serve.)
What would be the impact on your staff if they could not, or are not allowed, to continue their work, even for a limited time?
What essential resources would your staff need in the event of an interruption of their work?
Would additional flexibility in the use of existing grant or contract funding for unrestricted purposes help your nonprofit respond to this crisis? (check all that apply)
Are there any other resources (e.g. free access to telecommuting software, technology/equipment, hotspots to increase internet access for staff, reimbursement for paid sick leave for staff, extension of unemployment benefits) that foundations, businesses, or government could provide that would help your nonprofit respond to COVID-19?
If additional funding to combat COVID-19 in our region becomes available, where would you want to see those resources directed?
Example: Organizations assisting with child care, utility money, rent money, prescriptions, food access, etc.
Are there any additional resources or guidance that the Network could provide or share on COVID-19 preparation?
What area(s) does your organization serve?
What is your estimated annual organizational budget?
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How many FTE (full time equivalent) units does your organization employee?
FTE = The ratio of the total number of paid hours during a period (part time, full time, contracted) by the number of working hours in that period Mondays through Fridays. The ratio units are FTE units or equivalent employees working full-time. Example: You have three employees and they work 50 hours, 40 hours, and 10 hours each per week - totaling 100 hours. Assuming a full-time employee works 40 hours per week, your full time equivalent calculation is 100 hours divided by 40 hours, or 2.5 FTE.
Contact Information
Identifying information will be kept private and is only required so that the Nonprofit Network can best respond individually to organizations if the situation arises.
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Organization *
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