Wait List: Reggie Watts - Great Falls, MT - Author Event
The Reggie Watts - Great Falls, MT - Author Event is currently sold out. Please fill out the form below if you would like to be added to the wait list. Note that filling out this form does not guarantee tickets. We will reach out to the email address provided if spaces open up.

About the event: Reggie Watts will visit the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater in support of his new memoir, Great Falls, MT: Fast Times, Post-Punk Weirdos, and a Tale of Coming Home Again. Reggie Watts will be available for a book signing following the event. Books can be pre-ordered through Booksweet. This event is co-presented with the Ann Arbor District Library.
This will be a free event that requires advance registration to attend

Learn more at A2SF.ORG.

Sponsors: Ann Arbor District Library and Bank of Ann Arbor
Partners: Booksweet and The Neutral Zone
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