Chicago Trip Registration
Fill out this form to register for our 2025 Chicago Trip! Here is a link to the Trip Itinerary

Trip Cost Estimates
- Trip cost is $1,628 for a quad room, NOT including airfare. Airfare costs will be finalized sometime in the summer- and will be added to the final cost. Airfare is expected to be somewhere between $370-$570 based on 2024 rates. 

- All payments must be made by check, payable to "Acalanes High School" and turned in to the blue box in the band room or to Mr. Cordoba.

First Payment of $100 Due May 1st:
- Initial, non-refundable deposit of $100 per traveler is due May 1st. 

Payment Schedule: 
- October 1st: $800 per person
- December 1st, 2024: Balance in Full 
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Email *
Student's Name (First, Last)
Student Grade Level 24-25 School Year
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Student Cell Phone #  (for chaperone and emergency use only) 
Student Instrument
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Student Email Address
Parent Name (First, Last)
Parent Phone Number
Parent Email Address
Are there any special rooming requests for the student? Do they want to room in a triple room? Are there medical considerations for the student? 

We are asking that all students and chaperones travel to Chicago with the group, but we are allowing students to "deviate" from the group at the conclusion of the week in case there are any plans for families to visit colleges, extend the trip, etc. For those situations, Mr. Cordoba will need to physically "check out" the student with a responsible adult. 

At this point, are you thinking you might deviate from the group? 
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UPDATE: We are allowing family to travel with us! Are there any family members wanting to travel with the group? They will join the group, but they will not be allowed to room with Mr. Cordoba's students. All additional travelers must have someone over 18 in their room. 

Please describe your request. 
Are there any dietary restrictions for the student/family members? Please describe. 
Is the parent interested in Chaperoning? Please indicate the name of the parent interested in chaperoning. 
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