2021-22 Homeroom Parent Interest Form
Head Room Parent (HRP) and a Co-HRP will be a vital part in the success of the communication between the school administration, PRIDE Booster Club, teacher and parents in homeroom classes.  A parent liaison allows for expedited information sharing, and a greater sense of community.  Room Parents will offer fellow parents in their classroom a “real time” response when needed.  HRP's and/or Co-HRP's will be required to attend semi-weekly or monthly meetings via Zoom.
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Your Name: *
Email that you would like to use for communications: *
Your phone number: *
Your student(s) & name / grade / HR teacher (if known after school starts in the Fall of 2021): *
I'm interested in being a Homeroom Parent for: *
I'm interested in being a Co-Homeroom Parent for (you may select more than one grade level): *
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