Initial Assessment Form- SMALL BUSINESS Technical Assistance Program FY2022 - Client/Business Owner Application
Thank you for your interest in receiving Small Business Technical Assistance (SBTA) from the Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation (GWHCCF). Our mission is to offer and provide technical assistance to low/medium income, businesses in the District of Columbia.

The GWHCCF has been helping Hispanic and other minority entrepreneurs open successful businesses through the Department of Housing and Community Development’s initiative to elevate and grow the Districts corridors.  

The Foundation seeks to strengthen economic opportunities for small business owners by identifying passionate, honest and driven individuals with creative minds for business by offering them a wide range of expertise in the following areas; initial phase of business planning, one-on-one business technical assistance, tax preparation, accounting, human resources, human rights in the works place, marketing, management, finance and much more!

In pursuit of this mission, the GWHCCF is offering workshops including business-networking events, and matchmaking with mentors and other businesses for both established businesses and start-ups.
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Email *
Preferred Method of Communication *
Do you already have an identified consultant from the GWHCC Foundation you would like to work with? If so, please add name below. (If not add an N/A) *
Your First and Last Name: *
Telephone Number *
Gender Entity:  You are not required to select a gender.
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Age *
Primary Language *
Do you require assistance in another language? *
Did you attend any workshop series provided by the GWHCC Foundation? *
Name of Your Company: Type N/A if you do not have one *
Website: (If not applicable type N/A) *
Business Address or Personal - Please specify which below: *
Ward *
If you selected "other", please specify where. (N/A if not applicable) *
Are you interested in One-on-One Technical Assistance after you have completed the workshop series? *
At the end of the workshop series you will have the opportunity to learn more about how to acquire capital for your business. Would you be interested in participating in a workshop series that will allow you to prepare for a pitch before a panel of potential lenders? *
Business Classification: Please identify where you are as an entrepreneur by selecting one of the options below. *
Briefly describe the nature of your business, in particular, any retail aspects of your business plan.  What products, goods and/or services will you offer your customers/clients? *
DUNs Number: If Applicable (N/A if not) *
Income Level: If you are in the discovery phase of your business please select your personal income level. *
Years in Operation: (type N/A if not applicable) *
Why do/did you want to start this business? *
What are your expectations of this workshop? What do you hope to gain by participating in it? *
What kinds of experiences have you had in opening or operating a business? *
How do you feel when you make financial decisions (e.g. purchasing inventory, investing in materials, paying for marketing, paying for education or mentors)? (Circle the number above the response that best matches your feelings) *
How do you feel when you think about your financial future 5 years from now?  (Circle the number above the response that best matches your feelings) *
I am confident about my ability to successfully manage a new business.  (Circle the response that matches your feelings) *
My personal and/or business finances have an impact on: (Circle all that apply) *
My Time management and Organizational skills are: *
I want my personal/business Empowerment Workshops to cover the following topics: (Check all that apply)   *
Do you use Accounting Software? *
If yes, what do you use? *
Do you have a support system or mentor? *
 If yes, how often do you meet? *
Do you have a business plan? *
If no, do you think you need one? *
Do you currently keep your personal and business expenses together in one account or separate? *
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