MINDSPARK | Become a Mindspark Neuron
Welcome to the Mindspark Neurons!

We are delighted to hear from you and the possibility of you becoming part of an upcoming Mindspark Initiative and help hundreds of people find their Spark.

Neurons are the most important part of the initiative. They are exceptional minds that literary ignite the spark through their respective experience and expertise.

As you are here, you probably already know about the Mindspark and you wish to contribute in helping our audience thrive. Our main concern is to stimulate our audience and offer them an experience that will help them overcome their cultural mentality and barriers to achieve growth. A transition from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.  

We want to learn more about you, your field and your achievements.

Fill the short application and our neurons team will contact you, after finding an upcoming event that fits your expertise and field.

Further contact:  info@mindspark.gr
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