Application for Master and PhD students with possibility of obtaining ECTS credits at ISS PE 2020 // Prijava na program za magistrske in doktorske študentke in študente na MPŠ PE 2020 z možnostjo pridobitve kreditnih točk
International Summer School of Political Ecology 2020 postponed until 2021!


due to the coronavirus situation, we are forced to cancel the International Summer School of Political Ecology 2020, which should take place between 29th June and 3 July at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

International Summer School of Political Ecology is postponed until 2021, the expected dates are from 28th June to 2nd July 2021. The concept and theme of the summer school will be retained and actualized accordingly.

You will all be informed about the further progress and new information about the summer school 2021 on time.

We apologize to all invited and potential participants and our guest speakers for the situation.

Hope to see you next year!


Mednarodna poletna šola politične ekologije 2020 prestavljena v leto 2021!


zaradi situacije, povezane s koronavirusom, smo primorani odpovedati Mednarodno poletno šolo politične ekologije 2020, ki bi morala potekati med 29. junijem in 3. julijem na Fakulteti za družbene vede v Ljubljani.

Mednarodno poletno šolo politične ekologije prestavljamo v leto 2021, predvidoma v termin med 28. junijem in 2. julijem 2021. Koncept in tematiko poletne šole bomo obdržali ter po potrebi aktualizirali.

O nadaljnjem poteku in točnih informacijah v zvezi s poletno šolo 2021 boste obveščeni pravočasno.

Vsem vabljenim in potencialnim udeležencem se opravičujemo za nastalo situacijo.

Se vidimo naslednje leto!
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