Maxi-Grant Application
The Foundation has grown in resources since its inception and is now able to offer maxi-grants aimed at funding more expanded educational opportunities for St. Johns students.

Projects requiring funding over $500 will be considered through the Foundation's Maxi-Grant Program.  These larger requests should reflect a broader scope, such as department, grade level, building or district projects.
Maxi-Grant applications will be accepted throughout the year and will be by the Foundation Board.

A final report summary must be submitted  within three (3) months of implementing the project. Pictures are encouraged.

Excellence, as defined by the Foundation for Excellence, includes materials, services, events, and enrichment that extends or goes above and beyond the existing or mandated topics and activities at the classroom, school building, or district-wide level. So proposals to replace materials, refill consumables, or matters tied to mandated subjects and lessons belong to the district’s budget, rather than the Foundations.
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Email *
First Name
Last Name *
School Building *
Others Involved *
If applicable, please list the names of other individuals that will be involved in the project.
Project Description *
Provide a narrative description of the project including the needs, purpose, target population, number of students impacted by the proposed project, methods and materials.
Start Date *
End Date *
Method of Evaluation *
Itemized Estimated Costs *
Budget Total *
Please provide an estimated total budget.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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