Lead Designer
Bottomless is creating an e-commerce subscription that adjusts to your usage. Instead of shipping on a weekly or monthly schedule, we use a simple smart scale to re-order at the perfect time.

We are looking for a jack-of-all-trades designer who is comfortable with:

- Marketing design landing pages and ads.
- UI/UX design for consumer and enterprise sides apps
- Copywriting
- Working outside of tightly scoped tickets

We have a fully remote, international team with members in every corner of the globe.

You'd be working directly with our Lead Engineer and our company founders.

We're a highly ambitious team that loves to move fast and deliver great work. You'll be a great fit if you're ambitious and interested in stretching your skills to deliver world-class work.

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Email *
Description of yourself (max 280 chars)
Describe a project where you were the only designer. Provide a link if applicable. 
Why you are interested in Bottomless (max 280 chars)
Expected compensation (in monthly amount, USD)
Portfolio link
Resume / LinkedIn link
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