On-Campus Registration Details (Set Apart Conference)
Thank you for registering for the 2022 Set Apart Conference with Leslie Ludy! We are so glad you'll be joining us as an on-campus attendee! We are excited to spend this weekend with you and together discover how to build a deeper daily walk around Jesus Christ.

In order to make sure we have all the details for registration in preparation for your stay, please fill out the information below.
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Email Address You Registered With *
In the weeks prior to the retreat, we will be in touch with you regarding retreat details and logistics. Please provide an email address where we can reach you.
Your First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Please list how you want your name printed on your name tag. *
Did you register for a group? *
If you answered "yes" to the above question, please list each attendee's email below:
Roommate Request
Please notate your roommate request here, if applicable. (All requests must be submitted by May 20, thank you.)
Emergency Contact Information *
Please provide us with your emergency contact's name, your relationship to them, and a phone number where they can be reached. (e.g. Michael Smith, husband, (123) 456-7890)
A Note About On-Campus Linens *
Helpful Reminder: We provide bedding for on-campus attendees only. Please remember to bring your own towels and washcloths.
Dietary Restrictions *
Set Apart Conference catering provides a gluten-free/dairy-free meal option for those with dietary restrictions. Please notate your gluten-free/dairy-free restriction below so our catering team can accommodate. We are sorry that we are unable to accommodate other dietary preferences or restrictions.
Do you have any severe allergies or medical conditions? *
If you have any severe allergies or medical conditions that we should be aware of for your safety, please provide information here. (i.e. severe nut, scent, or other allergy that results in a medical emergency.)
Are you under 18 years of age? * *
If you are under 18 years of age, staying on-campus, and are not traveling with a parent/guardian, you will need to complete and submit the "Under-18 Waiver" upon arrival. Fill out the form here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tln4ihkhwok2zpz/Set%20Apart%20Retreat%20-%20Under%20Age%2018%20Medical%20Waiver.pdf?dl=0
Will you be attending with an infant? *
If you will be traveling with a newborn or nursing baby, we appreciate knowing this so we can take measures to provide a nursing area if possible.
Is there anything else that we should know?
If you will be utilizing wheelchair ramps, are unable to use stairs, or have other needs – we appreciate knowing these things in advance so we can take measures to be sure your needs are well accommodated for. : )
Photographing and Recording Policy *
During this event, Set Apart Girl and Ellerslie Mission Society will be recording (audio and video) and photographing. By your attendance at this event, it is likely that you will be filmed, recorded, or photographed as part of the audience or individually. By your attendance, you are granting your permission to be recorded and photographed for commercial purposes and agree to the following: being filmed, recorded, or photographed by any means; commercial or any other use of your likeness, voice, and words without compensation; specifically waiving all rights of privacy during the filming, recording, or photographing and release Ellerslie Mission Society, Set Apart Girl Ministries, and Eric and Leslie Ludy from liability for loss, damage, or compensation from the commercial or other use of your likeness, image, voice, or word; compliance with all rules and regulations of Set Apart Girl and Ellerslie Mission Society for this event. (If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at conference@setapartgirl.com.)
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