TNC Hawai'i Member Survey
We want to hear from you! We can’t do anything without you, our committed supporters.
Please let us know what you want to hear about and how you like to receive our news.
Пријавите се на Google да бисте сачували напредак. Сазнајте више
1. How do you prefer to receive our news, updates and invitations? *
2. How would you rate our communications materials:
Needs improvement
I am not familiar with this material
I am familiar with this material but I do not read it
A. Spring and Fall newsletters (print)
B. Annual Impact Report (print)
C. Hawai‘i insert in Nature magazine (print)
D. Nature News (formerly Great Places) e-newsletter (email)
E. Website (
F. Social media (Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube)
G. Webinars/Virtual Events
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H. Other (please specify)
3. Based on our communication materials, how likely are you to:
Not at all likely
Somewhat likely
Very likely
A. Share a story with a friend, colleague or family member?
B. Refer a friend or colleague to become a supporter or member of TNC Hawai‘i?
C. Donate (or continue to donate) to TNC Hawai‘i in the future ?
D. Feel that your donation is making a meaningful impact?
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3a. Why or why not for any of the above?
4. What topics are of most interest to you? What would you like to hear more about? Please select your TOP THREE interests.
K. Other (please specify)
5. How often do you prefer to receive news, updates and highlights from TNC Hawai'i?
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6. We want to know who we’re hearing from. Would you mind telling us your:
Age *
Gender *
Ethnicity *
Primary Residence *
Annual Income *
7. Anything else you would like to tell us?
Mahalo nui loa! (Thanks very much!) We value your opinion and appreciate your feedback. View our Privacy Policy:
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